December 17th, 2024 (v. 1.217.3)
Interactions CSV Export
Interactions > Outstanding or Completed > Export to CSV: We've addressed an issue with the Interactions Export feature. Previously, when exporting interactions to a CSV file, the columns would become misaligned after the "Last Update" column, resulting in inaccurate data representation.
What's been fixed:
- CSV exports now maintain column alignment throughout the entire file.
- Data accuracy is ensured for all columns in the export.
Reports > Attendance > By Aggregate: We've resolved an issue affecting the By Aggregate attendance breakdown report. Previously, only the first group's name and the Total Aggregate count were displayed when Inactive Individuals were excluded from the report.
What's been fixed:
- The breakdown now correctly shows attendance counts for each group within the aggregate when viewing Active Individuals only.
- Group names are accurately displayed for all groups in the aggregate.
- Drilling down into groups now shows the correct attendance for each group.
We apologize for any inconvenience these issues may have caused. As always, we're committed to improving your experience with our software. If you have any questions or feedback about these fixes, please don't hesitate to contact our support team. We're here to help!
December 10th, 2024 (v. 1.217.2)
Groups Mass Edit
Groups > Groups List > Tri-Dot Icon > Mass Edit: We've addressed an issue where the Mass Edit functionality was not working correctly in the Groups Tab. Previously, when users attempted to update values for multiple users within a group, the changes were not saved. We're pleased to announce that this bug has been fixed.
Key improvements:
- Mass Edit now successfully applies changes to all selected users within a Group.
- Mass Edit works correctly whether selecting users from within a Group or from the Groups list page.
- A new confirmation message is now displayed after successful mass edits.
November 25th, 2024 (v. 1.217.1)
Individuals Import Tool
Individuals > Import: Users can now successfully import CSV files that match by the User ID, with or without first and last names.
- Individuals > Import: When updating a CSV with only User IDs (UIDs), the UIDs were errantly displayed in the First and Last name fields. This has been corrected.
Groups > List: In certain circumstances in list view, an error would appear when printing a PDF or Labels from multiple groups. This has been resolved.
- Groups > List: We resolved an issue that prevented adding or moving people from one group to another.
November 19th, 2024 (v. 1.217)
- Reports > Groups > List: In certain circumstances, if an individual has multiple roles with differing Group Property permissions, filtering by Group Property would display ALL groups from both sets of permissions. (In other words, filter logic was working like an “OR” statement rather than an “AND” statement). This has been corrected, and only the correct groups appear based on group property filtering.
- Reports > Attendance > By Aggregate: In the By Aggregate report, Headcount groups and visitors were only displayed as active when the "Include Inactive Individuals" filter was selected. This fix ensures that headcount groups are visible regardless of filter settings.
November 5th, 2024 (v. 1.216)
Individuals Screen > Email Search: We fixed an issue that caused no results to return when searching for an email address with certain special characters such as underscore (_), exclamation point (!), tilde (~), etc.
- Individuals > Advanced Search: In rare circumstances, when searching by Custom Field data, search results would errantly display that all individuals had a specific custom field applied when they did not. We have corrected this issue.
Reports > Giving Reports: After setting a date range and giving category, if you click on an individual's name, an error will appear instead of taking you to the individual's Giving Details screen. This has been corrected.
Reports > Giving > Summary: In certain circumstances, the Giving Summary report displayed the blue ladder error screen instead of the expected report.
- Reports > Background Checks: If you select individuals on one background check report page and then navigate to another, the original selections are not retained, preventing you from running background checks on individuals displayed on more than one page at a time.
- Groups > [Group] >Edit > Attendance and Check-In: For those with eagle eyes, the text and radio buttons under the Attendance and Check-In heading were not fully horizontally aligned.
October 22nd, 2024 (v.1.215)
- Import Tool: A problem that caused an error when importing a CSV file twice has been fixed. Users can now successfully reimport updated CSV files after addressing errors in previous imports.
Interactions & Mass Contact
- Date Picker: When assigning interactions or scheduling mass communication, the date picker allows past dates to be selected. Users can no longer select dates that have already passed.
Attendance > Attendance Over Time: In some situations, there was a data discrepancy between the 'Download CSV' and 'Print' for the same date range. The data output now matches within both formats.
Attendance > Individual Attendance: The icon to sort data errantly appeared twice. This has been corrected.
- Attendance > Individual Attendance: When filtering by People, we fixed a minor display issue that caused the “Done” button to appear outside the filter dropdown menu.
October 10th, 2024 - ChMS Mobile App (Android)
Availability in the Google Play Store: The latest Android update caused the ChMS Mobile App to disappear from the Google Play Store for some brands. (The ChMS App remained accessible to users who had already downloaded it to their phones.) This has been corrected, and we apologize for any inconvenience.
- Call/SMS via the Member Profile Screen: When you tap on the phone number to call or text an individual, the phone’s SMS or Voice Call application does not open, preventing you from making a call or text. Instead, you're taken back to the profile screen. This has been corrected.
October 8th, 2024 (v.1.214)
- Reports > Attendance > By Aggregate Tab: We have adjusted the sort order so that the Aggregate Reports list displays the most recent report by date at the top.
Mass Contact
- Mass Contact: When you select multiple groups, if any group has zero members, an error will appear, preventing you from sending mass communication. We’ve resolved this issue.
Reports > Attendance > By Aggregate Tab: We resolved several related issues that caused inaccurate totals to appear on Aggregate reports on the landing screen and when you viewed a specific report.
Reports > Attendance > By Aggregate Tab: We resolved an issue that caused a blank screen to appear when you chose to include inactive individuals.
Reports > Attendance > By Aggregate Tab: In some situations, not all the Aggregate Reports would display when filtering Aggregate Reports by date range. For example, when filtering for the last four weeks, sometimes three weekly reports would display instead of the expected four. This issue was inadvertently introduced on August 27th and has now been resolved.
Individuals > Profile Screen: When you added a user to a recurring schedule but later deleted an instance of that schedule, it errantly caused an error message to appear when attempting to view the corresponding individual’s Profile page. This has been resolved.
October 1st, 2024 (v.1.213)
- Groups > Tri-Dot > Export: In certain circumstances, exporting both active and inactive group members from within a group caused an error. This has been corrected.
September 10th, 2024 (v.1.212)
Individuals > Advanced Search:
We’ve added the ability to use a wildcard (an asterisk *) to every topmost field under Advanced Search.
When you search with an asterisk, your search results will include every person’s record that contains data. (For example, add an asterisk within Formal Full Name to see every individual with a formal full name setup). We expect this update to broaden search flexibility and accuracy – especially when searching multiple fields!
Pro-Tip: Don’t forget searching <empty> will return all fields without data. For example, use this to find all members without an email address on file! Learn more...
- Individuals > All > Tri-Dot > Export Individuals to CSV > Advanced > [Active Groups]: Previously, when exporting lists to CSV and selecting “Active Groups” under the advanced fields, Archived Groups were erroneously included in the results. This update corrects the issue to ensure that only Active Groups are shown.
August 27th, 2024 (v.1.211)
- Attendance > Input: We have resolved an issue that prevented users from changing the session date when inputting attendance. This issue also affected the Print Attendance Roll functionality in the Groups – Tri-Dot feature, where the date picker became unresponsive. This fix restores the expected behavior, allowing users to change the date as needed.
- Groups > List > Search: On certain occasions, the “Include Archived Groups” option in the Groups List filter didn’t reset, even after it was unchecked. This caused the archived groups to erroneously remain in the Groups List. This has been corrected.
- Groups > Group Properties > Attendance and Check-In: We fixed a minor display issue where some Toggle buttons and corresponding text were vertically misaligned.
Reports > Background Checks > Tri-Dot > Export this Report: We have resolved an issue affecting the export functionality in the Background Checks report. Previously, users attempting to export this report encountered an error screen instead of downloading the expected CSV file.
Reports > Attendance > Attendance Over Time and By Aggregate: We have resolved a critical issue affecting the Attendance Over Time and By Aggregates tabs within the Attendance Reports. The tabs continuously loaded without displaying any data. This fix ensures that both tabs load correctly and display the necessary attendance data as intended.
August 13th, 2024 (v1.210.2)
- Groups > Filter by > Search: When users type text into the Group Filter Search box and select a group, the search text remains after clicking outside the box. This saves re-typing search text over and over.
- In rare circumstances, the same Guardian Label security codes could be used more than once for children in different families. In response, we’ve updated our system, ensuring that no two children checked in within the same 24-hour period receive the same security code.
- Individuals > Merge: In certain circumstances, a 'hard-stop' error occurs when merging two individuals. This has been corrected.
- Reports > Giving: If the Giving Reports were set to display an organization’s logo, the logo image was expanded to the entire page width. We have corrected this display issue, and logos have been resized to fit an area 100 pixels wide by 80 pixels high.
July 8th, 2024 (v1.209)
Group Add/Remove Trigger: We’ve added a new All Of option to allow you to better target adding or removing individuals from groups.
With this new option, the trigger will fire whenever someone is added or removed from ALL the groups you specify.
Here are just a few potential ministry use cases:
Volunteer Pipeline: Add a person to your “Ready to Serve” group only if they’re part of the “Background Check Complete,” “Our Ministry Methods Class,” and a “Status Members” group.
Baptism or Confirmation: Add a person to your “Confirmation Eligible” group if they’re a member of Class A, B, & C.
Growth Track: Remove individuals from your “Visitors” Group and add them to your “Next Steps” group if they are part of both the “Attended 4 Times” and “Learn About Our Church” groups.
Configurable Fields:
Settings > Configurable Fields: We have identified an issue that can cause data loss when changes are made to Configurable Text Fields set to Custom Select Lists. Our team is working on a fix as a top priority.
To prevent potential data loss in the interim, we have removed the options to Rename, Reorder, or Delete Custom Text Select Lists (below). Again, we apologize for any frustration this may cause and are working to restore this functionality as soon as possible.
Note: You can still Add New Options to your select lists as needed. Please be certain the spelling is correct; for now, once they are added, they cannot be removed.
- Attendance > iOS (iPad) Check-in: When using the iPad Check-In App, we fixed an issue where the "Badge Note" information was not being correctly updated on the person's Individual Profile.
- Individuals > Family Tab > Log Interactions: When viewing an individual under the Family tab, logging an interaction would either not save or display an error message. We have corrected this issue.
June 6, 2024 (v1.208)
Attendance Reports
- Reports > Attendance > Aggregates: We have updated the User Interface of this page to our new standard design and functionality. In addition to the simplified workflow and multi-select options within the dropdown menus, you can now easily remove inactive individuals for more accurate reporting.
- Attendance > Check-in: At Check-In, in some circumstances, certain groups appeared under Suggested Groups when the user was not a member of those Groups. This has been corrected.
Reports > Individuals: Fixed an issue that occurred when using the By Date option. The sort was sorting by Month and Day and not considering the Year.
(For example, if you sorted by “January,” results from January of any year were listed at the top).
- Settings > Permissions > Global Permissions > View Fields for Directory Viewers > Profile Photo: When viewing the directory in a web browser, we fixed an issue where Directory members could still view profile photos when they were set not to display under Global Permission Directory Settings.
May 23, 2024 (v1.207)
Attendance Reports
Reports > Attendance > By Session > [Group]: After you select a group, we’ve added an option to Include Inactive Members. By default, inactive members will not be included.
This addition should save significant reporting time, as removing inactive members was previously a one-by-one process.
Reports > Attendance > Attendance Over Time: We’ve updated this page's User Interface. Filters and actions now always appear in an uncomplicated header.
In addition, the Groups drop-down now includes the ability to include Archived Groups and Inactive Members. (Previously, you had to access filters and actions under the Tri-Dot icon).
Attendance > Check-in: We resolved a Permissions issue where users without permission to Edit Notes were errantly able to do so.
Background Checks
- Background Checks > Order: We resolved a rare issue where users ordering background checks using the new Protect My Ministry (PMM) integration did not see the pop-up displaying packages after initiating an order. (All other parts of the order workflow displayed correctly). Because no package was selected, the order never made it to PMM.
- Reports > Attendance > Absences: If a user opted to 'Display User IDs Beside Names, ' the User ID errantly displayed under the Phone Number column on the Absences screen. This has been corrected.
- Workflows > Date Field Trigger: A previous ChMS update caused the Individual Date Field Trigger, when based on a Configurable Field Date, from identifying & firing when an action (date) had occurred for a specified number of Months in the Past. This has now been fixed.
April 25, 2024 (v1.205)
Individuals > Profile Screen
- Custom Text Fields and Notes Fields will now render any web address (URL) as a clickable link and open in a new browser tab. (Note: the URL must begin with https:// ).
March 14, 2024 (v1.203)
The Groups Page is Getting a New Look!
We’ve made changes to simplify usage, increase loading speed, and standardize the on-screen design and tools.
- New: We've replaced the right-hand Filter bar with our standard Filter By dropdown.
- New: Groups are now a filter option, providing greater flexibility for some of our largest ministries.
- We've exponentially increased the loading speed of the Groups page.
- We've created Groups Settings and Actions columns to improve organization.
- We've added pagination to better manage and browse your list of Groups.
Configurable Date & Text Fields have increased to 50!
Track more of what matters to your ministry!
On the Settings > Profile screen we’ve updated increased the total number of Configurable Fields you can add. Use these to better record, segment, and report on a wider array of organizational needs!
In addition, we’ve updated the entire look to better organize and simplify managing these fields as well as Glance Icons.
February 29, 2024 (v1.202)
iOS (iPad) Check-In App
- When a user added notes to a check-in name tag, those notes were not retained/displayed on the individual’s Profile Screen.
- In Check-In Station Settings, when "Enable New People to be Created at Check-in" was disabled, you could not add a visitor record, unlike other check-in methods.
- Reports > Attendance > By Session: When attempting to export a report by Group and Date Range, an error would display, and the report would not generate. This has been corrected.
- Settings > Permissions > Roles: Resolved and issue when in certain multi-role scenarios, permissions overrode each other. Example: "Roll A” included View All Individuals for All Groups and "Roll B” included Mass Contact just selected Groups. Previously, permissions from “Roll A” overrode “Roll B” and allowed the individual to Mass Contact all groups. This has been corrected.
February 16, 2024 (v1.201)
- Reports > Attendance > Sessions:
We’ve simplified Attendance Session filter options!
(1) First, we’ve added our standard Date-Range filter to make it easy to select pre-defined date ranges or choose Custom to input your own.
(2) When viewing a Session itself, you’ll notice a new Inactive checkbox to include, wait for it...inactive individuals! (Bet you didn’t guess that one 😉 ).
- Attendance > Desktop Check-In: When adding a full family record in Desktop Check-In, the option to add & manage check-in barcodes did not appear. We have corrected this issue.
- Attendance > Check-in > Print Labels: Fixed an issue where HTML code was being included in the check-in note on children labels.
- Attendance > Check-in > Status: We renamed the “By” column title to “Searched By” to improve clarity. This column displays the person who was ‘searched for’ during the check-in process, not the person who checked in a given individual.
- Calendar > Events: When a calendar was embedded in month view, event text would overlap when more than 5 events occurred on the same day. We have corrected this display issue.
General > Font size Increase: We enlarged the font-size in the following areas for improved readability.
- Groups > List > [select groups] > tri-dot > Print Attendance Roll
- Attendance > Check-in > Status > Download to PDF
- Giving > Input Giving > Choose a Batch > [select a batch] > View entries already in this batch > Tri-Dot > Print
- Giving > Input Giving > Choose a Batch > [select a batch] > View entries already in this batch > Tri-Dot > Deposit Slip
- Reports > Overview > [select a session] > Export to PDF Arrow
- Individuals > Add: We corrected an issue where adding a person without an image sometimes failed to save.
- Interactions > Outstanding > Tri-Dot > Filter: When searching for Interactions by “Text Includes,” not all results would appear in certain instances. This has been resolved. Setting
- Settings > Permissions > Roles: In certain multi-role scenarios, permissions overrode each other. Example: "Roll A” included View All Individuals for All Groups and "Roll B” included Mass Contact just selected Groups. Previously, permissions from “Roll A” overrode “Roll B” and allowed the individual to Mass Contact all groups. This has been corrected.
- Settings > Permissions > Roles: In certain situations, when new individuals were added, their phone numbers did not appear on their profile. This has been corrected.
February 1, 2024 (v1.200)
Attendance > Check-in > Badge Notes: Child Check-in Note is referred to as the following depending on the method used. These are now named “Badge Notes”.
- iOS Check-in - "Badge Note"
- Desktop and Browser Check-in - "Note"
- Database Profile - "Child Check-in"
- Attendance > Check-in > Add Family: Fixed an issue which happens during the Add Family in Kiosk Mode. Browser Check-in now adds Child Care Note to Child Check-in Notes with the correct dates.