Search - Understanding Last Activity Fields

Having useful searching tools in hand to quickly gain a list of members to act on is vital for great database management. The good news is there are a few useful fields to help with such tasks. Each is aimed at zeroing in on your members to engage them!

search fields based on dates

The following fields are available for both the Advanced Search and the Query Search.

Last Activity Date

The following criteria markers are what will update the date marked for a Last Activity on a member record and will cause a member to show in the list for this search.

  • Attendance →
    • Date Attended, looks for either manually entered or check-in based activity.
  • Giving →
    • Date of contribution, looks for either online giving synced data, manually entered, or imported gifts.
  • Interactions →
    • If the person was the one who the interaction was assigned to, it is updated when the person completes an interaction.
    • If the person was the one the interaction was about, it is not updated.
  • Log in →
    • If the person logs in, it is for the time of login.
  • Workflows →
    • If someone submits a form and the form triggers a workflow.

It is helpful to think of this as this is effectively the last interaction the person had with the church, but not necessarily the last time the church attempted to contact them.

Last Attended Date

Use the date range to find anyone that has last attended within that range. When the individual attends again, the date will be updated.

Last Contributed Date

Use the date range to find anyone that has last given within that range. When the individual gives again through any method (Online gift, manual entry, or imported list of donations), the date will be updated.




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