Barcode Check-In


Barcode Check-in allows individuals to quickly identify themselves in order to check in themselves or members of their family.

To get started, you will need at least one station set up with a barcode reader (or on iOS, a camera).

management of barcodes

Once a barcode has been associated with an individual, that person can use the barcode to quickly identify themselves (instead of doing a search) and proceed with the check-in process.


Turning On Barcode Check-In

In Settings → Check-in, select a station and on the "Lookup Screen Options" card, check "Enable Barcodes." Optionally, you can also check "Show 'Manage Barcodes' in Kiosk Mode."


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Desktop Check-In

Adding and Managing Barcodes for Individuals

All barcode associations and deletions are handled in the Check-in pages.

  1. On a computer with a barcode reader connected, go to Attendance → Check-in and select one of your stations where you enabled barcodes.
  2. On the Check-in "Search" screen, search for and select an individual.
  3. On the "Family" screen (the screen that lists family members when applicable), click "Manage Barcodes" (on the right).
  4. Click on "Add a barcode." For convenience, up to three barcodes can be associated with an individual. Duplicates are not allowed; a message will show if a barcode is already associated with another individual.
  5. Once the barcode is associated, continue with the check-in process as normal. Or, click "Cancel" to go back to the Search screen and see how easy it is to use the newly-saved barcode!


Start-up Tips

  • Most churches encourage people to use a barcode they already carry with them, such as a grocery card or a gas station key tag. Another option is to have cards or tags custom printed.
  • Generally, the recommended practice is to associate barcodes with a parent for look-up, not children. An exception would be older children or teens that check themselves in.
  • To get your congregation started using barcodes, use your "live" check-in times, but start with people who show up early (bless them!), when check-in lines are short. Ask, "Would you like to save a barcode for your convenience?" and take the extra few seconds required for that step. Within a few weeks, the number of people using barcodes will grow and you'll be enjoying the improvement.


Technical Details

  • Check-in can use even very simple barcode readers. The primary technical requirement is that the reader should be configured to include a new line (hard return) after each scan. Most readers come with a sheet of configuration barcodes that can be scanned to configure the device.
  • Other types of codes, such as QR codes, can be used but may require a two-dimensional 2D reader. We recommend getting a reader that comes with a stand so you can be 'hands-free' during the scanning process.
  • The iOS Check-in App will be able to use the device camera to read barcodes. The forward-facing camera on some devices may not be as effective at picking up all barcodes, especially in low-light situations.
  • Up to 255 characters of a barcode (or QR code) are referenced. Most barcodes are much shorter (typically 25 characters), but on longer codes, such as QR codes, duplicates of the first 255 characters would result in a "duplicate" response even if the complete code (beyond the first 255 characters) is not exactly the same.


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