Check-in Status in iOS Check-in


Check-in Status 

This area provides real-time updates on the number of people who have checked in, parental contact information, and more.

Filter by station or use the Search feature to see a specific individual or group. As needed, download a print version for distribution.

Important Change:

The Status feature replaces the "Contact Parents" option. To contact a group or parent in the updated version...

  1. On the Check-in main screen, tap Options > Status. The Status report will display.
  2. To Contact a Group, select the Group and tap the chat bubble next to the group name.
    Or, to Contact an Individual Parent, select an Individual and tap the chat bubble to the right of "Checked In By"
    (See the image below.)


NOTE: Contacting via SMS text requires being set up with the included text services and also requires a cell phone number for the person who checked in a child



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