Check-in Status in iOS Check-in


The Check-in Status feature in the iOS Check-In app provides real-time updates on checked-in individuals, including parental contact information and group details. This tool allows efficient communication with parents or groups, replacing the previous “Contact Parents” option.


Features and Functionality

View Check-in Status

Access real-time updates such as:

Number of people checked in.

Parental contact details.

Group assignments.

Use filters to narrow down results by station or individual.

Utilize the Search feature to find a specific person or group quickly.

Download a printable version of the check-in report for distribution as needed.


Contacting Parents or Groups

To contact a group or individual parent, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Status Report
    • On the Check-in main screen, tap Options > Status.
    • The Status Report will be displayed.
  2. Contact a Group
    • Select the group you want to contact.
    • Tap the Chat Bubble next to the group name to send a message.
  3. Contact an Individual Parent
    • Select the individual you wish to contact.
    • Tap the Chat Bubble to the right of “Checked In By.”

Requirements for SMS Contact

  • Text Messaging Setup:
  • Parent Contact Information:
    • The individual who checked in the child must have a valid cell phone number in the database.

Important Notes

  • The Check-in Status tool simplifies communication and reporting for check-in events.
  • Regularly update parent and group contact details to ensure effective communication.



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