Desktop Check-in is a dedicated Check-in application for Windows or Mac computers. Because it can be launched in full-screen mode and locked, it works great as a stand-alone check-in kiosk. It's also our first choice as a staffed option for visitors.
Note: If you use an iPad, you must use the iOS (iPad) Check-In App.
Install and Launch Desktop Check-In
(1) Download Desktop Check-In using the links below.
(2) Double-click the file downloaded to run the install process. On the screen that loads, enter your ChMS domain as well as your username & password.
ChMS Domain: The first part of the URL where you access your database in a web browser. For example, if you use, your ChMS domain is "mychurch."
Note: Please ignore "" in the ChMS Domain field if this is not your ChMS 'brand.' Desktop Check-In will still connect to your brand's database and work as expected.
(3) Next, Select your station, and set your printer. You only need to do this once until you want to change your user, station, or printer.
Note: There is no need to log out when you close the program.
Menu Options:
Change Settings allows you to navigate back to the Settings Screen (above) to change Check-In Station, Printer, and Launch Settings.
- The Lock Station option allows you to have Check-in running and ready to go but locked behind a password screen.
- Full Logout of User from Session: As implied, a user is fully logged out. The next time Desktop Check-In is launched, a user must re-enter their ChMS domain, username, and password.
Note: Desktop Check-in saves the "Mobile/API Session" information for the logged-in user's account These sessions can be viewed or deleted on the user's Account tab (below).
Deleting a session used by Desktop Check-in for a specific user will require them to log in again when they launch Desktop Check-In.
Need help with setup or troubleshooting? Check out these articles!