Manage Form Permissions

Administrators restrict or provide rights to specific form types or tasks as needed. For example, a ministry coordinator can see VBS registrations or parent permission forms, but not the online donations that came in for the building project. 

We recommend that Administrators review their role permissions to expand access to Forms or fine-tune access to specific categories of Forms. Go to Permissions > Roles and check specific roles for that review.

Administrators can also review and set the category for each form. Go to the form, click on form properties, scroll down, and check the appropriate box under Categories.

Options for any (or 'All') form categories

By going to Permissions > Roles and editing a specific role, permission can be granted to

  • Create
  • Edit
  • Delete
  • View Responses
  • Issue Refund 

Example: Grant Permissions to all Forms except Giving Forms

A common permission set is one that grants access to all forms except those that display donation history (under View Responses). Note that the only categories without permissions are "General Donation" and "Special Donation."




Note: For further help on setting up permissions, see Permissions & Roles.




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