To create a new form, navigate to Forms in the left-hand menu. Click the ‘Create a new form’ button located in the upper right corner of the tool window.
The Form builder offers a list of pre-built templates which give a great jumpstart right away with a number of fields pre-populated. There is also the option to Start From Scratch as a new blank form if desired. The number of Forms created in the software is unlimited so enjoy experimenting with the options available.
Popular template options are the Giving Form, Children's Event (for events like VBS), and Event Registration.
The Children's Event and Event Registration templates are set up with Field Sets by default.
Once a template option is chosen give the form a Name. Then, click the button to 'Start Building Form'. This will load a new form into the form builder where the Form’s properties can be adjusted, new fields added, adjust existing fields, and manage payment options (** if combined with Giving **).
When adding field items to the form, either double click to add or click and drag in a generic field from the right side list to the form body. Doing so will open a modal box for additional customization of that field like renaming, adjusting line items, adding answer lines, making the field required, or creating conditional logic. Click and hold to drag the field into the proper place on the Form should it need to be located in a different area.
After the changes have been completed, select the 'Preview Form' button at the bottom of the screen to inspect the layout.
Once all changes are finished, there are two options for saving presented after clicking the button to Save Changes
► Save Only
The form can be saved into a 'Draft' mode by clicking Save Changes > Save Only. If a Form in Draft mode is finished and needs to be published, simply find the form in the list and click the 'Draft' link. This will open the form with the saved changes which are ready for final reviewing and publishing.
► Publish
Selecting Publish skips 'Draft' mode and commits all the changes made are immediately live and available on the Form. Simply use the Save Changes > Publish option. The form is now ready for users to fill out and submit results.
Exercise caution on this option if a Form is already live and is actively receiving submissions. The previously mentioned Draft save allows for an internal review of changes to make sure they are in line with the overall objective the Form is aiming to solve. Once the changes are verified, use Publish to commit the final changes for Form registrants to see.
Additional Features
- Clear Form: resets the Form back to a blank canvas for starting from scratch. Use this option to wipe all fields off the form and start over again.
- Undo Changes: roll back any changes made last. This will also roll back the command to 'Clear Form' if it is made.