Compare by Date/Campaign
Users can now compare campaign pledges and campaign contributions side by side. To begin, navigate to your Pledge Report dashboard. (Reports →Giving→Pledges)
Locate and click the Tri-Dot icon. This will give you two options, Print and Compare by Date/Campaign. Click Compare by Date/Campaign.
From the next screen, you can make the selections for the pledges that you would like to compare. Working from the left column titled Compare These Pledgers, select the dates and the campaign(s). Then, under the 'With These Pledgers' select the dates and campaign(s) you would like to compare the first column against. A common use case can be seen in the example below.
Example: Using this tool, you can compare the pledges made towards your general fund campaign from last year and this year.
Pro-Tip: The Campaigns box is set up for multi-select. You can compare more than two campaigns on a single report.
If you would like to include the contributions that your individuals have made towards their pledges in the same report, simply make sure that the Show Contributions box is checked and select Go. The report generated will be formatted like this:
Once your report is complete, click the Tri-Dot Icon to either Print or Export the report.