Query Search

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Note: jump to the 2:20 marker for Query Search.


Using the Query Search tool allows for enhanced filtering based on refined operators. Using this tool is powerful and may take some practice to get the results you are looking for - experimentation is key. The following are some guidelines on how to use and build a search to get the list of members you are looking for.


The Query tool can be found on the People Search page, next to Advanced Search.



Rule Groups

By default, one search group is added when opening the Query Search. In a search Group, you can click the button '+ Add Rule' add as many rules as you would like. The rules are your fields to filter and the operators (more definition below) used to find your member results. Use the 'X' to the right of a rule to delete it and use the 'X Delete Group' to remove the grouping of rules created.

Adding multiple rules allows for using AND | OR comparisons. For rule groups, the OR is selected by default to find anyone with all the fields selected. Change the group to search with an AND instead and the results will restrict. This is because a listed member must have all the data being searched on in their profile to show in the results.

Note: Scroll to the "Concepts for creating a Query Search to find definitions on AND | OR boolean arguments and other operators.


Add Rule Groups

Click '+ Add Group' to create more sets of rules. Adding another group creates a top level AND | OR filter. The same logic applies as rule groups in being more inclusive or exclusive with toggling either option. The AND is selected by default to be more restrictive when comparing data. Switch to the OR when needed when performing more inclusive searches.

Important: The first rule group uses the boolean search of OR by default. All rule groups added afterwards default to AND searches to instantly narrow the search results.


Pro-Tip: Filter your searches based on specific activity markers which let you know the members that are engaged and those that are not. See Member Activity Date Markers


Concepts for Creating a Query Search

Boolean Search

This term is technical, but it is the heart of the search operation. The search tool uses the most common arguments of AND | OR. Some more detailed information can be found here: MIT Tips

  • AND → Find a person that meets ALL the criteria defined in the search. This is the most restrictive and refining operation.
  • OR → Find the people that are filtered by just one search item. This connects otherwise separate information and creates a more open list. You can think of it as a bridge to different fields.


  • Members Group AND Baptized → Will return only records in the Members group who have also been baptized.
  • Members Group OR Baptized → Will return all members of the group and everyone baptized. This will be regardless of if group members were baptized and all people who have been baptized, regardless of the membership group.



This is a fancy term for the criteria which defines the results related to the filters selected. In other words, this is what you would like the search to do. Operators in the drop-down dynamically change based on the type of field being filtered to make the search intuitive. A list of the potential operators available is as follows.

  • Equal → An exact match to the value. For example, filtering the First Name is equal to John will pull all people with that exact first name.
  • On or after → Most used for dates, find people with a date on the same day as the one given up to the present day. For instance, looking for everyone with a Join Date on or after 06/01/20xx.
  • Before → Most used for dates, find people with all dates before the one given. For instance, looking for everyone with a Join Date before 06/01/20xx.
  • Contains | Does Not Contain → Use the search to find people with a partial value of the one entered. For instance, filtering on First Names contains 'abe' will pull all people with that exact first name and all that contain this string of letters like Abe or Elizabeth.
  • Begins with | Ends with → This search is based on the very first/last character of text. For example, finding everyone whose last name starts or ends with G.
  • In → Related to group(s) filtering, this is used to find who may be in or not in a group(s).
  • Is any | is blank → Use this to select multiple options. For example, any Gender and no (none) Last Name.
  • Range → Find all information within a given span. For instance, finding people between the age of 20 and 30.
  • Greater Than | Less Than → Use this primarily for age searches. For example, searching for people who are greater than 20 years old.




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