Select the Dashboard page. If this is your first time in you will see blank page with no widgets. To create a widget, select the [+] located in the upper right side of the page. This will start the wizard to walk you through the process.
Widget Wizard
Choose which widget you would like to create and view on your customized dashboard. For this example, we will be creating a Contributions wizard.
Chose the [Next] button when you are ready to continue
Widget Wizard (Widget Display)
Widget Name: Type in a “Widget Name” that will distinguish this widget.
Widget Display: There are three different size widgets available with each size offering a different amount of data to be displayed. The image to the right of the selection gives you a general idea of what each widget will look like. A large widget will display more information and will give you a few more set up options. In this example we will be configuring and creating a “Large” widget.
Chose the [Next] button when you are ready to continue, or you can choose [Go back] to change your type of Wizard selection.
Widget Wizard (Data Source)
Group: Select one of three Group configurations to choose where the people to be tracked will be coming from.
(1) Name – Specific Group to use.
(2) Property – Filter for all groups with this specific property.
(3) Aggregates – Filter for all groups that make up the aggregate.
Date Range: The grouping period for your data. Choose from Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year.
Category: The Giving Category being tracked.
Source: Source of Giving, Online, Non-Online, All
Chose the [Next] button when you are ready to continue, or you can choose [Go back] to change the widget display size.
Widget Wizard (Large Widget Selections)
Large Widget: Select each of the data display values you would like to see on the widget.
Chart Type: Choose a chart type of Bar Chart or Line Chart.
Number of ____: Total number of data points to be plotted on the chart.
X Axis Title: The title to be displayed for the X axis.
Y Axis Title: The title to be displayed for the Y axis.
Chose the [Save] button when you are ready to Save your widget, or you can choose [Go back] to change the widget data source.
Dashboard with Large Widget
When you finish with the wizard your custom widget creation will appear on your Dashboard. Each widget on the dashboard gives you the ability to Edit the widget and change values, Delete the widget, go to Reporting, or Rearrange it on the page.