Before entering donations, make sure a Campaign has been created and Pledges are set up for members. More information is available to Create A Campaign and Enter Pledge Information.
Entering a gift towards a pledge can be done from the Input Giving page. Select the Giving option from the Navigation menu and then click the Input option.
Use the Choose a Batch button to choose or add a batch (optional) and then enter the Date. For each pledge that you wish to enter use the Individual field to search for and select an individual. Select the Fund from the drop-down list, enter the Amount and then Check Number. Use the Fund button to expand the view.
You can enter a Note (shows up when viewing details of giving on individual record and on statements) and then use the Fund drop-down list to select the pledge to which to apply the gift.
An available Pro Tip can be found by hovering your mouse over the "Fund" field for additional info on pledges that have been made towards a particular campaign.
Note: During the gift entry, if the selected donor has multiple pledges, then the dropdown under Fund will list each of those pledges along with the expected periodic amount. You will only be able to select a pledge that is associated with the chosen Fund.
Repeat these steps for each gift to be input and then click the Save button.