Before entering Pledges, make sure a Campaign has been created. For more information on creating a campaign, click here Create a Campaign.
If a donor wants to make only a single gift for the year, set up the pledge to reflect this option before entering the contribution. Use the frequency of 'Once'. This applies to both the Multiple and Individual pledge setup options.
Entering Multiple Pledges
When you need to enter multiple pledges, such as from a list of pledge cards, select the Giving option from the Navigation menu and then click the Input option.
Once here, select Input Pledges.
For each pledge that you enter, use the Person field to search for and select an individual. Select the Campaign to which the person is pledging and enter a Start Date and End Date. Enter the Periodic Amount and select the Frequency from the drop-down list and the Total Amount is calculated for you. Or, select the Frequency and enter the Total Amount and the Periodic Amount is calculated for you.
Repeat this process for each pledge you wish to set up. Click the Add 10 More Lines button if needed. Click the Save button when done.
Entering a Pledge for an Individual
The second way to enter pledges is on an individual’s record. Navigate to Individuals and search or click on an individual’s name. Click the Giving tab and then select + Pledge.
Select the Campaign from the drop-down list and then enter the Start Date, End Date. Enter the Periodic Amount and select the Frequency from the drop-down list and the Total Amount is calculated for you. Or, select the Frequency and enter the Total Amount and the Periodic Amount is calculated for you. Finally, select if the pledge is Active and click the Save button when done.
Next - Add Donations for Members
There are two ways to add donations, one creates a batch, and the other inputs gifts without a batch. Click on the link for more information for Apply Pledged GIving by Batch or Apply Pledged Giving to Individuals.