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Creating a Pledge Campaign is needed if your organization takes pledges or wants to track a donor's commitment to giving for a certain time period. Campaigns can be set up with one or more funds. Here are a couple of scenarios for using campaigns:
- Create a separate campaign for each fund for which you receive pledges (e.g., Offerings 2025 Campaign – General Fund, Christmas Offering Campaign – Christmas Fund, etc.).
- Create a campaign that includes multiple funds (e.g., Mission Campaign – Foreign Missions Fund, Home Missions Fund, Mission Trip 1, Mission Trip 2, etc.).
Once campaigns are set up, you can add pledges and enter gifts for those pledges. Pledge balances are reduced as gifts come in from various sources (e.g., mobile app, online giving, text giving, kiosk, offering plate, and so forth).
Campaign Setup
This is the first place to start before entering pledges. Click the General Settings → Giving. Next, click the Pledging link.
Click an existing campaign to edit, or go to the Add a Campaign section.
Type in the desired name of the campaign in the Campaign Name field. Enter a Goal Amount and then use the Funds field to pick the fund(s) you want to be associated with the campaign.
Click the Save button to complete the campaign setup.
Campaign Settings
On the Edit Campaign page select if you want to Allow People to Create Their Own Pledges for This Campaign (if enabled, members can create their own pledges from the iOS/Android apps or via logging into your ChMS in a web browser).
Check Active if the campaign is currently taking donations. Click the SAVE button to save your changes or the Delete button to remove the campaign.