Instructions for importing Giving begin at 4:12.
This video may include some out-of-date images. We appreciate your patience as we work to get these videos updated.
Your software makes it easy to transfer in giving from online giving services such as PayPal, PushPay, and others.
Pro-Tip: It is suggested to take advantage of our integrated Giving software. Among many other advantages, our holistic Giving solution will not require extra time to be spent importing contribution records at all! Check out our website or contact your Account Executive for more information.
Import Process
- To get started importing giving, in the left sidebar menu, click Giving → Import.
(Note: It is required to have 'Input/View Batch Giving' permission to use this tool).
- Choose your comma-separated value (CSV) file and enter the column headers for each of the required columns.
- Choose the method by which to match people from the CSV file to people in the database.
- Note: If a person is not in the ChMS, then they can be added during the import process.
- Review the proposed import:
- Contacts are best matched based on the criteria provided. However, if the system is unsure of an exact match, the importer will need to use the search box to choose an existing person, choose the Anonymous person, or add a new person. Once one contact is updated, if there are other entries with that same criteria, the option will be given to automatically update all of them.
- Members with a 'Goes By' name will need to be matched to the proper donor with the 'Name' match option.
- The best attempt is made to match the Giving Category in the import with the ones already in the system. However, if there isn't a match, a Fund will need to manually chosen and the option will be given to update all other records matching the same details.
- If the date isn't in a format we can understand, the software will ask for one to be entered.
- Once satisfied with the proposed import, click Save.
The import will correctly group entries for people who have chosen to have giving grouped under their primary family member.