Other Relationships

Family ties are not a 'one size fits all' situation. The Family tab in a member profile allows for the handling of relational links for both primary and other related family members. From this area, you can adjust online directory information, Check-In exceptions, communication preferences and more.


Several customization options for names are available for individuals and families.

Name Options


Important: Remember that defining primary family relationships and grouped giving is different than the other linking options even though they are in the same area. Communication preferences and 'Other Relationships' links are on a per person basis to reflect the uniqueness of each person. This is particularly important when dealing with Other Relationships.


Primary Family 

family relationships area

After making sure to be on the profile for the family member who needs parental communication changes, click to select the pencil button to edit the family relationships.

Check/uncheck the communication box to update the Contact preference. A selected checkbox means the parent or guardian will receive communications when sending a mass contact to Parents of Group Members if a child is in the associated Group is selected for a contact message. Unchecking this removes that parent or guardian from receiving those contacts.

edit family relationships

Then click SAVE to complete the update.


Other Relationships

Note: People linked in this area must have a profile in the software. This allows for contact information preferences and a searchable name to add a relational link.

The 'Other Relationships' preferences are available to link the member to other profiles outside the primary family members. This can be used for communications, checking a person in, or to simply list the linked person as an associated member to the family. 

Best Practice: Think of this link as reaching out to pull other members in. For instance, in the example above, Johny is being linked to his grandparents and could be listed in the directory (if that option was selected from the dropdown) as their Grandson based on the ties created here. The primary family is still very important and is the initial bonded list of people. From there, any other ties are external to the core family unit.



This is intended to show the individual as a part of these other family profiles. In the example above, Johny could be listed with a relationship that is related to the gender that is defined on his profile. 

Include in Check-In

Sometimes Grandparents or another family member outside the primary family bring a child to an event or service. List the individual with these families to complete a Check-in transaction.

Parental Communication

Send parental communications regarding the member to these Individuals. This option helps cover the many 'one-off' communications that can get tricky to remember. By using this option, the send to Parents of Group Members will add 'Other Relationship' member(s) to the message automatically.


Click SAVE to complete and apply any update made.



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