Consolidate Family Giving History

If you’ve checked the boxes to “Group Giving with Family” and are either …

  • Not seeing the spouse’s name on the giving statement
  • Still seeing past contributions under the Giving tab from within the spouse’s profile
  • Managing a Death or Divorce and need to move many contributions

Then, this process is your best friend! Use the consolidate giving tool to quickly move large amounts of donations to the main person associated with the organization for the family. If needed after this process is complete, single donations can be transferred to another user.


The Process

Follow these steps

Make sure the family is linked together and that the checkboxes for all the family members who need to group their giving are selected (this may not be every member of the family). Grouping the giving together for the family allows all future contributions to be joined together. However, past contributions are not affected by simply checking the boxes. Not making the immediate move is a safety measure in case grouping the giving was not intended. Walking through this process is a safeguard to finalize bringing the giving records together because it is much harder to disband the transactions after this is finished.

Considerations for when a family member passes away or if a divorce takes place should be acted upon first before finishing this process. For some details, please refer to the appropriate articles below

Divorce or Separation Deceased Individuals

Review the Family tab and select the checkkbox for any members of the family that do not have their gifts consolidated.

This is important because this marker flags the consolidation tool to list the donors that need to be brought together.

Next, navigate to the General Settings Gear GivingConsolidate Family Giving link. Look for the member(s) that just had the giving marked to be grouped together.

Check the box next to the name(s) that will have the giving consolidated to the main (or primary) family member. After selecting all that apply, use the GO button to complete the consolidation (merging of donations) of family giving.

To validate if the process worked, simply go back to the family profile and all giving records will be in the main family members Giving tab. Future donations made by either family member will land in this same location.





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