Protect My Ministry - Security Role Options

The security options for Protect My Ministry are managed under a role-based security system. Specific rights are assigned to each role and then roles are assigned to each user.

Apply Permissions to a Role

1. Hover over the General Settings  and then select the Permissions option from the dropdown.

ChMS Menu.png

2. From the Permissions page, click the Roles tab.

Roles tab

3. Roles are indicated as gray headers on the Roles page. Click the Edit icon to edit a specific role.

Edit permissions role

4. From the Edit Role page, select the 3 background check options listed under the Members section.

permissions options

NOTE: A volunteer role may have rights to only “order background checks” because you typically do not want volunteers viewing or deleting background checks. It is recommended that you restrict the option to “delete background checks” to your Admin role so that important and needed records are not easily deleted.


5. Click the SAVE button at the bottom of the page to apply your changes.





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